Mermaid Biography

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This cryptid is magical, it lives in the water and sits on rocks during the day to soak in the sun. They sing at night and people think they sing to draw sailors into the ocean. Mermaids are very illucid creatures, some people may think they are true but others think they are not. Mermaids like to keep a low profile they are normally in places where there are not many people who can see them. They have the top half as a man or a women and the second half of them is a fish with scales. They also sometimes have webbed hands to help them swim faster in the water.

Mermaids have magical powers. They have a power called hydrokinesis. They are able to move, expand, and blast water without touching it. Sometimes these powers are so powerfult they are able to lift people in the air with the pressure. Another power mermaids have is being a to sing very well. Mermaid or sirens are able to sing so magically that they lure them to their death or they are able to control the sailor's minds.